Friday 19 March 2010


The teaching business is now fully started with a few regular people having lessons and I'm really enjoying it. I've heard a lot of people say that just because you are a good player doesn't mean you will be a good teacher. I can totally see why this is true now you need a completely different mind set to teach but it's great to pass on the bit of knowledge I have and it has made me see a lot of areas in my own playing I need to improve on already!
I've got my own drums set up where I can practise now which is amazing and great to be back on my own equipment. Getting a good couple of hours in here and there.
Got the gig with Shawn Harvey tomorrow night so I'm going to work on my rearrangement for a few hours, write out some lessons and then go and scale my kit down and have a run through the set so I'm at least prepared enough to handle whatever Shawn throws at me and make sure I have as much fun as possible.

Friday 5 March 2010

Few Gigs, settling back home

Just confirmed two gigs that i will be playing in the near future the first is on the 20th March with my good friend Shawn Harvey. He comes all the way from Germany and plays all over Europe with his great rock and roll. I will be on the edge of my seat as we won't have rehearsed again but it will be great fun.
The second gig is with Desert Smile on the 23rd April at the Crown and Mitre in Newark. We will be playing a small set along with three other bands in the first step to getting the local music scene happening again.

I've now fully moved back to the Midlands after spending the last few years in Guildford. I'm still doing my degree course at The Academy of Contemporary Music but lectures are only one day a week so I've decided to commute down South and set up the teaching practise and base myself back home.
This means i can get to gigs a lot easier so should be a lot busier in the upcoming months, especially when the course finishes in August.
In other news i was in the Newark Advertiser today after the lovely Dawn Bond wrote a nice article about me to help promote the drum lessons in Newark.